Using the moveTo ( x, y) method, the pen can be moved to a new position. 通过使用moveTo(x,y)方法,可以将画笔移动到一个新的位置。
You can also use the lineTo ( x, y) method to add a subpath to the current path, and position the pen at the specified position. 还可以使用lineTo(x,y)方法添加一个子路径到当前路径,并将画笔定位在一个指定的位置。
Place the pen to the cursor position. 将笔放置在光标位置;
We have introduced a set of electroplating electroplating pen instrument portfolio, without professional technical staff, can easily repair the circuit board electroplating gold position. 我们引入了这套电镀仪电镀笔组合,不需专业技术人员,便可轻易修补线路板的电镀金位置。
A finger holder for a pen is a support which is sheathed on a pen holder to support fingers and help fingers to position. 笔指架是一种套在笔杆上用以支托手指、帮助手指定位的支架。
When all glyphs are done, set the text cursor to the new pen position. 当所有字形都处理了,在新的笔位置设置文本光标。
She sat at the table, collar off, head down, pen in position, ready to begin the long letter. 她坐在桌前,衣领已解掉,头低了下来,拿好钢笔,准备开始写一封长信。
Increment the pen position by the glyph's advance width in pixels. 根据字形的步进象素增加笔位置;
Likewise, the glyph's "advance width" is the increment to apply to the pen position during layout, and is not related to the glyph's "width", which really is the glyph's bounding width. 同样,字形的步进宽度是在布局时应用于笔位置的增量,而不是字形的宽度,那是字形边界的宽度。
Translate the glyph so that its'origin'matches the pen position. 平移字形以使它的原点匹配笔位置;
Then the light Pen control of TV tracking window, including the principles of light pen structure, positioning, circuit structure and operation principle of tracking window position controled by light pen and some cautions in the use of light pen are described. 然后叙述数字式电视跟踪窗的光笔控制,其中包括光笔的结构和定位原理,光笔控制跟踪窗位置的电路结构及工作原理,使用光笔中要注意的问题。
Pen and ink in Chinese Freehand Figure occupies a very important position, plays a huge role in the performance of the works of art. 笔墨在中国写意人物画中占有十分重要的地位,对艺术作品的表现起着巨大的作用。